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Child of the Morning Star Page 6
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Page 6
Three creatures came from above. Lilith ran from them until land turned to water. She dived in and saw that the creatures could not follow. Time passed and they remained above her. She decided to wait.
The demon had all the time in the world.
* * *
Atropa tried to concentrate. The headstones began to move and shake around her. They all slowly rose before crashing back down into the earth. She cursed, her forehead sweating from the intensity of her practice.
Lilith sat on a tree limb. She watched the teen pant and try again. “You’re thinking about it too much,” she advised.
Atropa looked up at her in bewilderment. “What do you mean?”
Lilith rolled off the branch and onto the ground, landing gracefully on her feet. “You’re too tense and trying too hard. Haven’t you noticed that your stronger when you aren’t even trying? When you’re relaxed and let your body work naturally?” She placed her hands on the teen’s shoulders. “Breathe, and let your power do its job.”
Atropa nodded and let the energy do as it pleased. Sucking in a breath, she lifted the headstones and kept them in place. She exhaled and they all combusted into dust.
Lilith cheered, “See?!”
Atropa smiled, “I can’t believe those were all yours.”
“Well, mine and the twins,” Lilith admitted.
Atropa whipped around, “The twins are demons too?”
“‘Course they are,” Lilith wrapped an arm around the teen, “Why do you think they’re not affected by your eyes?”
Atropa shrugged, “I guess I never really thought about it. Now that you mention it though, it does make sense.” She furrowed her brow, “Wait, why can I look into your eyes?”
Lilith have her a sad smile.
Atropa’s eyes widened, “Am I a demon?!”
“Partially,” It wasn’t fully a lie.
Atropa beamed, “Everything makes sense now! You, my powers, mother and father, my eyes!” She paused, “Wait, what do you mean partially?”
“You’re made from earth and hellfire, hot stuff.” Lilith explained, “Mom was human, Dad was a demon.”
Atropa cocked her head, “Are there more like me?”
Lilith frowned and took the teen’s hand, “No, only human females can have children with demons, most don’t survive pregnancy. If they do though, the child is normally a stillbirth or is killed.”
“Why?” Atropa asked and let herself be led back to the house. The rain was starting again.
“Half breeds are dangerous. They have the powers of demons, the recklessness of humans, and none of the normal weaknesses of either.” Lilith stared ahead intensely, “There are only two ways known that can kill you.”
“I thought you said most halflings were killed.”
Lilith looked down at her, eyes blazing, “You aren’t most halflings.”
Atropa wanted to ask something else but the rain picked up and began to beat down upon them. They raced back to the house, Lilith trying to shield her from the harsh drops. Atropa decided that she’d ask later.
They had time.
Chapter XI: Flying
Lilith sighed and watched her breath show in the crisp air. The rain had stopped, for now, and left the world a bit colder. The demon flicked her lighter on and saw the warm flame. She ran her fingers through it, loving the sweet burn it left on her skin. A happy sigh was released, she’d missed the feeling, the warmth.
“What are you doing?” a meek voice asked, startling the demon.
Lilith turned to see Atropa’s face peeking out from behind the door. “I’m just thinking. Come here,” she patted the empty space beside her.
Atropa moved and slowly took a seat on the cold wood of the porch. The chilling wind blew and whipped at her blanket. She gripped at the fabric and tugged it closer to her body. She snuggled up to the demon and stared at the hand that was playing in the flames. “Why are you burning yourself?” she asked.
“I just missed the heat, is all. When you’re in Hell, you get used to the temperature. I guess I just wanted some warmth,” Lilith explained.
“It doesn’t hurt?” Atropa stared warily at the digits playing with fire.
“No, it feels nice. It’s like when you get your clothes right out of the dryer and put them on, that’s how it feels to me.” Lilith flicked the lighter closed, seeing as how it was distressing the other. “I know it’s weird, but I like it.”
Atropa shook her head, “No, no I understand. As long as you’re not hurt, I don’t mind.” She moved to sit flush with the other, “Lilith?”
“Hm?” the demon replied. She looked over at the girl beside her. Atropa was nibbling her nail. A frown plastered itself on Lilith’s face, “What is it?”
“Was…was the way I saw you in the forest, how you really look?” Atropa kept her eyes planted on the wet grass.
Lilith sighed, “Kind of. That was me completely drained. I do have a form between that and this one though. Why do you ask?”
“I want to see what it looks like,” Atropa stared at the demon’s uncertain face. “Please,” she added.
Lilith bit her lip, “I don’t know.”
“Please,” Atropa begged, “Just for a little bit. I’m really curious.”
Lilith snorted, “Curiosity killed the cat.”
“But satisfaction brought it back,” Atropa returned and planted a kiss on Lilith’s cheek. “Come on,” she urged.
“Fine, just know that you’re a terrible influence,” Lilith got up and stepped off the porch, “Alright, now close your eyes, until I tell you to open them.”
“A surprise huh?” Atropa teased.
“You know it, sweetheart,” Lilith gave her a playful wink.
Atropa covered her eyes with her fingers, then split them open a bit.
“No peeking!” Lilith demanded.
Atropa giggled and covered her eyes completely.
Lilith sucked in a cold breath and blew it out. It had been a while since she’d shifted into this form. She felt her limbs and bones begin to crack and morph. Her shoulder blades split her skin, revealing black wings beneath. They unfolded and Lilith let out a euphoric sigh. She felt her nails lengthen and teeth sharpen. Her coccyx extended and broke the skin of her lower back. Her tail was finally freed from the confinements of her mortal disguise.
Lilith moaned and let her spine lengthen. She looked at the sweet girl sitting on the porch. The demon stalked toward the innocent, “Open your eyes.”
Atropa heard the smooth voice. She slowly peeked behind her fingers. Atropa gasped at the sight before her. Lilith’s skin was like the night sky. A deep unearthly black with speckles of light littering the expanse of flesh. It looked to be a way of camouflage. Those once solid red eyes now flickered with flames. Haunting wings hung behind her, they were more ethereal than tangible, made of shadow and smoke. Atropa feared that if she tried to touch them that her hand would go straight through. Two stately horns were perched on the top of Lilith’s head. They looked like antlers, black and foreboding. “You’re even more beautiful than the painting,” Atropa whispered, utterly breathless.
Lilith smiled at this, showing her pearly canines. “You’re not afraid?” she asked, dragging her sharp nails down the teen’s jaw line.
Atropa scoffed, “Of course not.” She cupped the chiseled face, ‘So smooth.’ Atropa rubbed the dark cheeks up to the horns that split though the skin of her demon’s temples. “I can’t believe how gorgeous you are,” she muttered. Atropa brought the face closer to lay a kiss on the plump lips.
Lilith smiled into the caress, she felt her feet leaving the ground as their lips met. The demon slipped her tongue into the others awaiting mouth.
Atropa moaned lowly and wrapped her arms around Lilith’s neck. The teen held onto the stronger being. She felt her body being lifted up. Atropa clung, not wanting to break the spine-tingling kiss.
Lilith pulled back after a minute to let the other breathe. She held Atropa close to her,
not wanting the girl to plummet to the ground. Lilith winced, she hadn’t meant to take them up this high. “Don’t look down,” she warned.
Atropa’s eyes immediately went below her. She yelped and gripped the demon tighter. “Oh Shit! What happened?!” Atropa’s terrified eyes searched amused red.
“Seems we’re flying,” Lilith moved the teen so she was holding the other under her butt.
Atropa squeaked, “What are you doing?!”
“Holding you up. Unless you want me to drop you?” Lilith gave a mischievous grin, loosening her grip a little.
Atropa screamed and clawed at the taller body. “Don’t do that!” she whined and clutched at Lilith’s strong shoulders. Her hands met skin though, realization hit her, “Please tell me you’re not naked.”
“Okay, I’m not naked,” Lilith smiled, “but I am.”
“Why? Just, fucking why?!” Atropa whined and rested her head on Lilith’s shoulder. “I’m in the air with my demon girlfriend, who’s groping me while she’s naked. Can this get anymore awkward?”
Lilith chuckled, “Well…”
“Don’t you even think about it!” Atropa snapped and wrapped her legs around Lilith’s waist. “Can you put me down now?” she asked, seeing as how they were still steadily rising.
“Let’s have some fun,” Lilith suggested and unfolded her wings to their full width. “Do you want to fly, cupcake?”
Atropa’s eyes widened at the question, “Um…no. Flying is terrifying.”
A smile split Lilith’s face. “How about we conquer that fear.” With one great push the demon’s wings had them soaring.
Atropa shrieked in pure horror, “PUT ME DOWN! PUT ME DOWN!” She dung her nails of the demon’s back, still screaming. Atropa hid her face in Lilith’s shoulder, shutting her eyes tight. She didn’t even want to know how high they were. Atropa could feel the ridges from the demon’s shoulder blades move with each powerful push of the ethereal wings.
Lilith finished piercing the sky and looked down to see the trembling mass in her arms. She stopped, hanging as still as she could midair, “Open your eyes, buttercup. I want you to see this.” She moved one hand into the teen’s soft hair, “I’d never let you hit the ground, Atropa, never.”
Atropa whimpered and took in a deep breath, gaining her courage. She let one eye peek open, still terrified, “I-I’m…”
“Safe,” Lilith finished and kissed the teen’s forehead. “You’re safe with me” the demon whispered. She watched the violet eyes open fully. Lilith smiled, “That’s it, don’t be afraid.”
The soothing words made Atropa‘s nerves calm. She looked below her and saw the small dot in the moonlight. Was that her house?! Atropa began to shake again. ‘I’m okay,’ she chanted in her head, ‘I’m okay.’ A bright light was shining on them. She turned her head and gasped. The moon was beside her, it was the most beautiful thing she’d ever seen. Atropa looked at the clouds around them and noticed her bare toes were damp from dancing on them. It was the most surreal experience of her life. “I feel like a Disney princess,” she whispered. The teen locked eyes with the other, “You can fly, if you want. I’m not scared anymore.”
Lilith smirked, “I think this’ll work better if you were on my back.”
Atropa looked around confused. “How are we going to do that?” she asked. The question was immediately regretted. Atropa watched a devilish grin go across the demon’s face.
“I’m going to drop you.” Lilith untangled the girl from her.
“No!” Atropa tried to grab hold of the other but failed.
“I promise,” Lilith released the teen. “I’ll catch you!” she called down.
Atropa let the blanket fall from around her shoulders. It fluttered past her in the breeze. Time slowed for a moment. It was as if she wasn’t falling, but levitating in the sky among the clouds. A black void seemed to swallow the Earth. A void that could only be pierced by heavenly light. The stars seemed to shimmer and the moon glew proudly.
‘It’s so beautiful,’ she thought, till reality hit her, “I’M GOING TO DIE!” Atropa saw a darkness above her. The figure dove and slipped past, going faster toward the ground. Atropa let out a loud squeak as she fell against a warm surface. Her arms were around Lilith’s neck and her lower body hung in the air. Atropa quickly jumped up and wrapped her legs around the demon’s waist. “You’re lucky I can’t kill you,” she growled.
Lilith laughed nervously. The demon gripped the plush thighs and turned to see Atropa. If only she knew. “I told you I’d catch you.” Lilith spread her wings again, “Ready to fly?”
Atropa hooked her arms under the demon’s and held onto her shoulders. “I’m ready,” she said confidently.
Lilith grinned, “Hang on.”
Atropa screeched as they plunged down toward the forest. They were slipping through the trees effortlessly. Lilith perfectly blended in with the darkness. If anyone saw them, it would look like Atropa was simply flying on a gust of wind. “This is insane!” she laughed. Sticking out her hands, she brushed the dewy leaves. The greens, blues, and blacks around her became a blur as Lilith flew faster. Purple eyes filled with childish wonder as they soared through the night. “Up, go up!” Atropa urged with a thrilled smile.
Lilith nodded, loving how eager the girl was, and shot up to the clouds again.
Atropa felt tears rush to her eyes from the cool air blowing on her face. She let go of Lilith’s neck, spreading her arms as they cut through the sky. Drops of water hit her, they beaded up, and then trailed behind her. Atropa let out a scream of triumph that was echoed across the wind.
She had never felt so alive.
Chapter XII: A House Call
Atropa danced around the lawn after they landed. She bounced and ran to the front door, “Oh my God! That was the most riveting experience I have ever had in my entire life!” Atropa opened the door and fell onto the hardwood floor, “I’m so happy.”
Lilith chuckled, “I never knew someone to collapse when they’re happy.” She walked through the threshold, folding her wings back and closing the door with her tail. Lilith crouched down next to the panting teen, “I’m guessing you had fun?”
Atropa nodded, “Can we do that again?”
“As many times as you want,” Lilith said. She ruffled the messy black hair before asking, “Can I borrow some clothes?”
“Mhm,” Atropa got up and went up the steps. She entered her room and dug through her dresser drawers, finding a tank top and some briefs. “Here, this is what I wear to bed so…” she handed the garments to the demon. “I think these’ll fit, they’re big on me so they should. If they don’t we can find something else.”
“Thanks, I think these’ll do fine.” Lilith retracted her wings before slipping on the tank top. A new thought hit her, “Atropa?”
The small teen was on the bed, smoothing out her disorderly hair. “Huh?” she replied and placed the brush down. Atropa saw the solemn face Lilith was wearing. “Hey, what’s wrong?”
“It’s just,” Lilith sighed and walked to the other. She sat beside Atropa and tried to form what she wanted to say into words. “I…I need to tell you something.”
“Of course, what is it?” Atropa
Lilith frowned and looked into those amethyst eyes. They were shining with new found joy and innocence. She couldn’t do it. “I’m…just worried about your parents. How they’ll react. If they’ll try and hurt you.”
Atropa snorted, “Well I’m not. I have super powers and you’re a demon. Who cares what they think?” She hugged Lilith’s from the back, and placed a trail of kisses along the marble neck. “I have you, and that’s all I want and need.”
Lilith melted under the affection. She hated being such a wuss. Feeling playful, she tackled the other into the sheets.
* * *
A buzzing phone made the demon jump out of her dream in a daze. Atropa was curled around her, peaceful and calm. Suddenly the world didn’t seem like such a shitty place. Her
phone continued to buzz. Lilith sighed, “Fuck.” She dug around in her bag to find it. “Hello?” she answered, not even checking the number.
“I’m outside, come here,” was all that was said until the line went dead.
Lilith growled, “Fucker.” She took another last look at the beauty on the mattress, “Worth it.” Lilith was pissed she had to leave the gorgeous sight, but the glance would hold her over for a time.
* * *
The man looked at the Victorian home and smiled. A soft click made his pierced ears twitch. He watched as a figure opened the door and stepped into the cold night air. The man pushed off the tree he was leaning against and moved toward the other. “’bout time,” he said, taking a final drag of his cigarette before snuffing it out under his heel.
“I didn’t think you made house calls anymore,” Lilith teased. She stepped off the porch and stood before him. “What do you want?”
“What, no hug?” the man feigned hurt.
“Cut the shit Lucifer, what do you want?” Lilith asked again, folding her arms. “Atropa’s asleep and I don’t want her to wake up without me. She’s had a rough day.”
“Wow, she already has you wrapped around her little finger, huh?” Lucifer poked the demon’s nose, “You two are so cute together.” He rested a hand on his hip, “So, have you told her?”
Lilith frowned, “She knows she’s not human.”
Lucifer’s eyes narrowed at the reply, “Does she know what’s coming or her role in it?”
Lilith shook her head, “No, I-I haven’t told her yet.”
Lucifer sighed at this, “Lilith, this is your whole purpose of being, to guide her.”
“Why though? Why can’t you just tell her, she’d listen to you?!” Lilith snapped. “I’ve already put her through so much I-” She hissed as her chin was grabbed in a vice. Lilith began to struggle before realizing there was no escape from the hold. She glared up at the devil.